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BirleÅŸik geological model.png

3D geological model of the study area, with cross sections in various orientations.

In the scope of my BSc. graduation design project  in METU, our group conducted economic evaluation of Granny Smith gold deposit in Western Australia. We used drilling data (rock type logs, geotechnical logs, gold survey etc.) and LeapFrog Geo software to construct 3D model of the local geology and the ore body. Later, preliminary economic analysis were performed with calculated ore body and mining parameters. CAPEX, OPEX and RC were calculated for different alternative mining scenarios.

Final Poster.png

Moria Mining team and our final poster. From left to right; Mehran Zeb, Utku Karakaya, Fatma Delice, Ozan Sinoplu, Sertan Eruysal.

3D grade distribution model.

Final poster for the project.

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